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Everyday is a new day. To make it more interesting, many social bookmarking site as well as others well known social networking sites comes with a user friendly features like icons and widgets to make surfing and sharing made easier. As for now, Facebook just released its new sharing feature for people to share what they like and interested in while surfing and reading a blog post : “Like button”.
This Facebook Like button enables users to make connections to your pages and share the content back to their friends on Facebook with only one click. Unlike any others sharing option, Like button only need you to Like it or Recommend the post once. You will not bother by any annoying pop ups or request to get permission to access the website.
This Facebook Like button enables users to make connections to your pages and share the content back to their friends on Facebook with only one click. Unlike any others sharing option, Like button only need you to Like it or Recommend the post once. You will not bother by any annoying pop ups or request to get permission to access the website.
There are a number of options for the Like button, including the option to include the names and profile pictures of the user's friends who have liked the page. You may also change the colors and the button types.
Here is a demo Like button for this site :
For standard Like button
Or Like button_count
standard light recommend button
Or standard dark recommend button | Suitable for dark theme
This guide will walk you through the basics step to install this application to your blog with some of the features.
Step 0 : In your Blogger dashboard Click 'Layout' ► 'Edit Html' ► 'Expand Widget Templates'. Don't forget to backup your template by download it first.
Step 1 : Ctrl + F and find the following code in your blog Html
Step 2 : Paste the code below after the above code
<!-- facebook like this -->
<iframe allowTransparency='true' expr:src='"http://www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?href=" + data:post.url + "&layout=standard&show_faces=true&width=100&action=like& font=arial&colorscheme=light"' frameborder='0' scrolling='no' style='border:none; overflow:hidden; width:450px; height:60px;'/>
<!-- /facebook like this -->
Step 3 : Now, to make some changes to the Like Button, these are some adjustment that you can make..
layout = standard / button_count [choose layout]
show_faces = true / false [show picture]
action = like / recommend [option : Like or Recommended button]
colorscheme = light / dark [color]
height: 60px [adjust height]
Final Step : Save your template.
Refer to this post for widget placement :
Control your Widget Placement with Conditional Tags
For more information, visit these site
Happy blogging and have a nice day..
Updates Oct 3rd 2010 : How To Add Facebook Box Count Like Button To Blogger
Updates May 20 2011 : How to Add Facebook Send Button on Blogger + Facebook Like (in XFBML)
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Just an FYI, when you try to use this code on Blogger, it gives the warning that your iframe tag isn't closed at the end of your code block.
hi Jason. thanks for the info. if you notice in the end of the tag there is '/>'. this pretty much closed the tag already. correct me if i'm wrong. btw thanks again..
I copied the code into my template, and when I previewed my site, the screen went blank, and in the address window it read, "about:blank".
Did I do something wrong?
nothing wrong. its just that the preview page is not finish loading yet..
try save the template and refresh the page..
I added this code to my blog and the button only shows up if you're viewing one, specific blog post....but not for the individual posts when they are listed on the main home page. Is that how its supposed to work?
remove the if condition tag..
<b:if cond='data - - >
</b:if >
to control the widget placement, refer to this post.. it'll help.
nice i added like button to my blog
Thank-you Hedy!
thanks, this worked, when I removed the iftags :)
for some reason in the layout i have it shows "data:post.body/" three times!
try the 2nd. if doesn't work, the 3rd.. (experiment)
Ive tried to add this in a few times but continue to get a blank white box where the add in should be.
i guess you already had it figured out. lol..
gud luck..
I have no "data:post.body/". How can I do without this????
This is my blog: valamirolam.blogspot.com
Any idea?
Thanks Hedy,
[iframe allowTransparency='true' expr:src='"http://www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?href=" + data:post.url + "&layout=standard&show_faces=true&width=100&action=like& font=arial&colorscheme=light"' frameborder='0' scrolling='no' style='border:none; overflow:hidden; width:450px; height:60px;'/]
Paste the above code immediately after [data:post.body]
check the "Expand Widget Templates" box.
@Urdu, Hindi, English SMS/Text Messages
Thanks for the tutorial... I just started my own blog, I hope it gets loaded with people just like yours... You have a nice blog! :)
ur welcome..
glad its useful to you..
hi hedy,referring to ur post on nov 13,i'm facing the same too.i've removed the 'if' tags,and the like box seems ok.separate like box for diff post. but i got this on the top of my page (TEMPLATE ERROR: b:if has no 'cond' attribute).can u pls help me?
halo fayyza, due to the confusion earlier before that Nov 30, i've already did remove the condition tag on the tutorial. so you don't have to remove anything anymore.
original post before i cut off the cond tag :
<b:if cond='data - - >
..facebook like this iframe code
</b:if >
so just put the code tutorial on your template. no need to remove anything.
Thank u Very much........I am using this for my blog www.forgottowrite.blogspot.com
nice, ur welcome..
im using the old template, can you help me ??? --'
place the code after this tag
<div class='post-header-line-1'>
still it wont works ;/
halo again. what do you mean it wont work?? cant you find this code?
actually i'm not familiar with the old blogger template. make sure to check the 'Expand Widgets Templates'.. if you still cant find it, try these:
yea, i put that code after <$BlogItemBody$>,and it turns out a mess, this is my blog andwejustgoincircle.blogspot.com/
maybe you can check what's wrong with it ;/
thank you thank you thank you!!! the first competent person to actually put into a simple step by step process of adding the like button, i must say, I 'like' this a lot!!! more like love! it took me a week to figure this out
@qwertyuiop: sorry qwertyuiop. I've taken a look but do not know how to play with the old template..
@Melody: ur r very welcome..
Easy to do. It appears on each post however whein I click it, it doesn't show up in my facebook updates
hmm.. that's new. sory i have no idea how is that happen. the only reason i know is you have not log in your profile..
Wrong code bro I press button but it is not work
hi Addler I don't think the code is wrong. the demo shown above is a live example of the code. how about you try the new 'Facebook Like', maybe it'll work. tQ..
I like this feature. I placed it at the top of each of my posts instead of the bottom. It seems to work okay on each individual post, but not on my main Blogger page. I receive an error message when trying to 'Like'. I've tried simliar codes with the same results. I'm using Blogger's Simple Template. Any ideas? Thank you in advance!
I just did a test. It does not work on my (4) latest posts, but works on all my other ones???
use 'data:post.url' as an URL..
<!-- Facebook Send button -->
<script src='http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1'/><fb:send colorscheme='light' expr:href='data:post.url' font='arial'/>
<!-- /Facebook Send button -->
hi... thank you for the info ^^
glad i can help. hehe..
Thanks for great tutorials.
I'm also having trouble adding this. Please check out my blog. I don't have a <$BlogItemBody$> nor
how come when I click on the "like" button it does not appear in the wall of the news feed. Instead it appears only on my Profile wall?
@newerthguide : hi. sori for the late reply. i found the solution for your problem here [Link]
@ezpert : try this [Link]
That was very helpful tutorial.You really help us in doing such things in blogger.com.
Thank You For this tips
Thanks so much!
Wow this site is awesome and informative to me, I am also gonna share this site to my friends.
Thanks a bloody lot for the 'expr:scr' part. It's not explained elsewhere on the web. When you use 'src' it simply doesn't work ! Now, I don't know a damn about WHY it doesn't, but after 2 hours of searching I find this tip on your blog. Thanks!
ur welcome..
hey i have a question how to put these like button in single posts like you did to show the examples in your post
hi meesum raza, kindly refer to this tutorial..
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