The story begins about two brothers, Alphonse and Edward Elric with their journey as alchemists and their quest to regain what they have lost. Born in the village of Resembool from the country of Amestris, the two brothers lived there with their parents. Ever since they were young they had practiced the science of alchemy. Their father Hohenheim, was a talented alchemist which is where their knack comes from. However, when they were young their father left, leave them remained in the care of their mother. One day their mother died, and in their innocence and ignorance, they attempted what was forbidden the most, human alchemy.
As the consequences, where they were obviously not prepared for, the brothers lost more than just their mother. In that accident, Alphonse loses his body and Edward lost his left leg. And in a moment of panic Edward ties his brother's soul to a piece of armor which cost him his right arm.

Some days later, an alchemist named Roy Mustang visits the Elric brothers, and he tells Edward to become a member of the State Military of the country to find a way to recover their bodies. After that, Edward's left leg and right arm are fitted with two sets of automail, a type of advanced prosthetic limb, created for him by his close family friends Winry Rockbell and her grandmother Pinako.

And as Edward sets out to become a State Alchemist, their quest begin with the brother's journey to find a alchemy amplifier so that they may return to their normal bodies.

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